The Best Workout Tips for Ectomorphs and Hardgainers

The Best Workout Tips for Ectomorphs and Hardgainers

Workouts for Ectomorphs and Hardgainers

Get ready to do some lifting because there is no way around lifting harder and heavier if you want to get the best results. Specifically performing some compound movements that use those larger muscle groups (gluteus maximus, lats, traps, quads, and hamstrings), which aside from giving you the best bang for your buck also pump out HGH (human growth hormone) immediately after a workout. Just like it sounds, that is the hormone that helps you grow muscle and bone but it also helps regulate your body composition, body fluids, sugar and fat metabolism, and heart function.


If you need some guidance on where to start, the following exercises tend to be effective for ectomorph or hardgainer bodies:

Squat to press.

Deadlift to press.

Clean and jerk.

Push press.

Dumbbell chest press.