Cannabis 101: Everything You Need to Know About Weed

Cannabis 101: Everything You Need to Know About Weed

What is CBD oil?

It's a cannabidiol (CBD) extract that's most popularly taken orally in the form a tincture. It doesn't have a mind-altering effect (unless you take more than the recommended dose) and is known to help with anxiety, sleep, pain, and epileptic seizures. It's all-natural and safe and legal as long as its packaging specifies that it's "hemp-derived." You also don't have to worry about CBD showing up on a drug test, either. Although CBD oil is most popular, it can also be enjoyed in the form of vapes, topicals, and edibles.

What will I feel when I'm high?

It really depends on the strain and the individual, but you can expect to feel all or some of the following: uplifted, euphoric, giggly, hungry, sleepy, relaxed, calm, and/or creative. You may also notice pain relief. Additionally, I always recommend that people smoke or ingest weed in a safe space with people they're comfortable with, as some adverse effects can include paranoia and anxiety.

What should I do if I get too high? 

Don't worry — this happens to even the most seasoned stoners. Taking CBD has shown to be effective in reversing the adverse affects of THC, but if you don't have any CBD readily available, the most important thing to do is to get as comfortable as possible. Take deep, slow breaths and reduce any stimuli (turn down/off music, TV volume, etc.), or look for a quiet space if you're not at home. Being in crowded settings can induce more anxiety, so try to remove yourself from hectic situations. Unfortunately, the only thing you can really do is ride it out or sleep it off.