50 Printable Adult Coloring Pages That Will Help You De-Stress

50 Printable Adult Coloring Pages That Will Help You De-Stress

Although 2020's initial COVID lockdown was undeniably stressful, a few positive things came out of that time, including the discovery of new passions and hobbies. Many people were searching for ways to de-stress, and as a result, adult coloring pages experienced a surge in popularity. While coloring is known to be a favorite childhood pastime, the popular activity has managed to grab the attention of adults because it can be both therapeutic and entertaining.

If you haven't tried it yet, it's time to give adult coloring pages a chance; life can be difficult, and sometimes the best thing you can do is put down your phone and pick up a colored pencil. There are lots of benefits to unplugging, and getting lost in coloring for a while can help you do so. That's just one reason adult coloring books are ideal for relaxing. You get to be creative, pay attention to detail, and stop your mind from thinking about anything else. In essence, it's a great way to trick yourself into practicing mindfulness. Whether you've already jumped on the adult-coloring wagon or you're trying it out again for the first time since you were a kid, at least one of these 50 free, printable adult coloring pages is bound to be just what you're looking for — so get coloring!

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